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BPR International Blog PR with Bourbon


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Writer's pictureAva Wohner

Bring Balance to Your Life as a PR Professional

The Importance of Time Management in the Public Relations Field

Public Relations at its core is all about balance. Whether it's balancing the needs of your clients, the time spent on different tasks, or your personal versus professional life, balance is key to a successful career in PR. Read on to see how to transform your time and grow as a PR professional.

The key to time management is organization. Whether you like to keep track of your important dates/times digitally or on an old school desk calendar, getting organized is necessary for a successful professional career. Many PR firms serve a multitude of clients with varying wants and needs. Staying organized allows you to stay on top of requests and complete them in a timely and well-thought-out manner.


The best way to get all your events in order is to take time on a day you know you’re free and go through everything you have going on for the next month to three months. Doing this also allows you to be ready when something new pops up unexpectedly and you can easily fit it into your schedule. Organize your schedule now and be prepared for the future.


Color coding is especially helpful if you work at a PR firm that balances multiple clients. Assigning different colors to your different clients or tasks allows you to use fewer words explaining an idea and visually correspond action and owners to specific colors.


Another bonus of color coding is it brings joy into your day-to-day. My color-coded schedule is a rainbow of pinks, purples, and yellows – my favorite three colors. This not only makes my schedule pleasing to look at but easy to maintain because I enjoy the visual stimuli.


Additionally, organizing your schedule allows for a quality work-life balance. With more and more industries opting for hybrid and fully virtual positions, the lines between work and pleasure can be blurred. Ensuring there’s a clear boundary for worktime versus activities reserved for the home allows us to use our time efficiently.


I believe this is the best part of an organized schedule. I can see when my free time is and determine what I’d like to do in that allotted time. For me, I try to pencil in activities in my free time that are productive and benefit me in the long run. I focus on my long-term goals but ensure there’s still a bit of flexibility on the weekends for spontaneity and fun.


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